Develop a clear strategy It is surprising how often companies confuse planning with strategy. Strategy defines where you want to be, which direction you want to follow and what values you wish to instil in the organisation. Planning is merely the mechanics for near term implementation. Likewise strategy should take time, be considered and only change if there is an anticipated shift in markets or technology. Plans are always there to be changed. The best strategies are the simplest ones - they can also the most difficult to formulate. For instance a strategy that can be boiled down to a simple checklist will empower an organisation from top to bottom. Creating good strategy is not necessarily about vision, it's about having clear consensus on the fundamentals and the general direction you want to go. Well managed sessions that focus on just this can yield great results in a surprisingly short period of time.
By having a clear strategy the basic rules of decision making are created and a foundation for growth is established. It's also initiates a move from management by principle to management by exception and a shift of culture from "cannot" to "can do". © Procentricity Ltd 2003 |